Offering opportunities to "Go Deeper with God" is one of Common Ground Guildford's key aims. St Mary's Church is a wonderful place to just "be", pause and reflect.
You will find some resources to help you in the Reflections section and prayer links. The Events section directs you to seasonal resources for example Christmas, Easter and the New Year. You will find words and pictures to inspire you throughout the year.
The Community Prayer page includes information to help you pray for Guildford and some prayers of blessing. You might also be interested in Prayer Walking.

Practical Spirituality takes place four times a year on a Saturday morning and is an opportunity to take time out and reflec
It is for people who want to take their spiritual life deeper and go away with some tips to put into practice.
Join us from 0900 and by 0920 for a 0930 start. The morning ends by 1230 with a break about 1040.
The next event in 2023 is on 9 December when Alwyn Marriage will be giving us insights into Julian of Norwich.