Take time out to reflect, be still, pause.
The Church of England has a series of reflections intended for those feeling isolated and anxious in mind.
You don't have to be "religious" to pray or even be sure that God exists. You might find some of the ideas in the prayer links section helpful and also trypraying
You might find it helpful to just drop into a church that is open and light a candle.
The questions in the section about the Lords Prayer might be helpful if you are interested in doing some more thinking.
You might want to follow this link for some reflections from our New Years Eve series about:
how light is stronger than darkness;
walking in other peoples' shoes; and
the contrasting call to "go" and "be".
You may also find it helpful to reflect on the words below as an inspiration for how to live and a reminder that "God is with us".
Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly before your God. (Micah)
Seek the welfare of the city and in its welfare you will find your welfare (Jeremiah)
By far the greatest thing a man [or woman] can do for his city is to be a good man. Simply to live there as a good man, as a Christian man of action and practical citizen……It is goodness that tells, goodness first and goodness last. (from Celtic Daily Prayer)
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. May the rains fall softly upon your fields until we meet again. May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Old Gaelic blessing.